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Four Steps To Freedom Is a resource and Training site designed to help Marketers of all skill Levels.

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Don't Have A Business Yet? Heres a list of My Trusted Opportunities.

For More Information about different Kinds Of Online Business Ideas Look through our Posts.

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More Free advertising methods and websites than is humanly possible to utilize

Friday, May 30, 2014

Important Advice for New Marketers.

As someone brand new to Affiliate Marketing what’s the most important thing to know/ advice to give?

Well that’s a broad question, but here’s a few Tips for Newcomers:
Podcasting is a crazy powerful medium to reach your audience and provide support. As are Videos. If your comfortable with talking to people, there are plenty of free software to help you start producing content.
Affiliate link to Products on Amazon.com and you make 5-8% COMMISSION on that product and on anything they buy off Amazon if they go through your affiliate link.

Treat the products that you’re going to promote as if they are your own products.
This shows confidence in your products, and Builds trust with your audience! I would never promote something I didn’t personally use, nor would I offer training that I never personally went through.

The best way to become an entrepreneur is not to build your sites around the business,
First target the audience, with a pain or goals or some lacking quotient, discover ways to help them. Develop the tool or product to help fulfill this need. If it exists, get yourself a license to sell that product.
This way you recommend products, that you know will help them. (*you know there is a market for.)

Use the product & Show them how you use it.
Create your own Videos!
A hugely popular idea for videos is do an “Unboxing” of the product.( showing step by step tutorial of what to expect. While joining your system)
Provide support. Simply by asking “if you have questions, let me know” you develop trust, and honestly the better your Team does, the better we all do!
Do what you can to deliver more value than what is offered.
For instance Develop a quick start guide pdf file, that they only get if they join under YOUR link.

Tour your site from visitors point of view. Is it attractive, does it keep you engaged? Is it user friendly? Does it come across as friendly and professional?

Bloggers to follow:
Gary Vaynerchuk, content management. Social media http://garyvaynerchuk.com/blog/

Derek Halpern, sales, sells hard. Psych. http://www.copyblogger.com/author/derek-halpern/

Ramit Sethi contact lists. http://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/

(*note Pat Flynn also has an incredible Podcast, https://soundcloud.com/askpat )

Tips To get you going!

Get started NOW! The longer you wait, the longer it will take to get your name out.
Even if you don’t have the Business end yet, Create all your social media pages, Follow and find friends on FB / G+ / Twitter / ect.

Keep eyes open for opportunities. Just because your in a business, doesn’t mean that no-one has products that would benefit your business. Just weigh the value they add to the cost they bring.

Try something new, get uncomfortable. If your tomorrow is just like yesterday, your future will be the same as today. The only way to get Change is to TRY NEW THINGS, and Get OUT of your Comfort Zone!

Start your email list as soon as possible. (email list is a relationship tool to distribute free stuff, promotional materials etc. NOT for spamming your link to.)

Collect customers email addresses. Collect addresses of anyone that you contact, by giving out your email to everyone! Keep the addresses of your customers, in case you develop a product that adds value to products they already purchased.

Don’t use a trademark in a domain name. (sounds simple, but even things like LEED or BLIZZARD or WINDOWS can end up costing you a lot of money and reputation when you have to switch your domain names.)

Make more connections. Make people reach out to you.

I Hope this Helps out!
Let me know if you would like me to answer any specific questions you may have!

-Andrew Halliday

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Advanced Facebook Advertising.

Welcome to Four Steps to Freedom! If this is your first visit, Please visit some of my previous posts to help keep up to speed. Today I will be talking about Advanced Tips for Facebook marketing.

Filtering and Why it is Important.
How many of you have been adding 20-30 people a day on facebook? This is a great practise BUT be sure that you’re Adding the RIGHT people!

What’s Filtering?
It’s the process of selecting the Quality from the Quantity.
When you add random People you will get Friends that aren't in Marketing, and you'll get people that are soliciting all kinds of things.
Do yourself a favour and Start Filtering.
When you’re looking at a new “Friend” Hop onto their Page, and check it out.
Are they into Marketing? 
Are they promoting a similar Business or opportunity? 
Do they look Active? 
These are all great indicators that the person is a great Fit.
Learn to watch for:
·        Inactivity
·        Posting nothing but Links
·        adds Multiple, Multiple Tags to people Not in the Photo/link.
These generally indicate a Poor Fit and you won’t gain anything from associating with them.

The Next Great Tip:
Activate your follow button.
If your Follow button isn’t enables, your missing out on a HUGE market!
Well What Is It and What Does It Do?
Well it allows people to see your Posts, without having to be your Friend.

Sounds kind of pointless maybe?
Not even. many people want to see what your about and want to see how legitimate you are, But don’t want to take that step of being your “Friend” This allows you to get your “Foot in the door” and start reaching people that wouldn’t necessarily be comfortable being your Friend.

An important step of the follow button is to be sure you set the Privacy settings to PUBLIC! or average Joe won’t be able to follow you.

Now I want to share an Excellent Friend Boosting Technique That a Friend of mine showed me:
#1 Be active, Like and comment on Peoples posts.
It shows your active on Facebook and not using an autoresponder.
#2 Look for a post you enjoy, Like it, Comment on it, Like your comment.
Scroll through, Find people you’re not connected with.
Follow them and Like their comment.
Go through the list again and again.
Why do we do this?
When you hit follow button, It notifies them “So and so, is now following you”
and it notifies them again when you Like their comment.
If your consistent with this method, you will begin to see a Major Rise of Friend requests
a little side tip, Look for posts with many comments like 8+ 15+ is better but don’t be too picky.
as long as you like the topic, Do the method!

How to get likes and comments, on your Posts.
Whenever you post on your timeline, once you get likes and comments, Like and comment back.
But DO NOT MASS respond,
Like a few here or there, comment
Come back in an hour or so, and like and comment some more.
What this does is it keeps your post at the top of the news feed.
You’ll get more exposure and more comments and likes.
Simply because your Post is active and so it Shows up on the News feed Longer.

Some Facebook Account Setup Tips:
#1 GET A PROFILE PICTURE! Networking is essentially selling yourself, so BE PROFESSIONAL!
Get a Nice photo of yourself:
A clear photo of your face, with a happy and or excited look!

#2 Get a Cover Photo, JUST as Important! It shows what you’re interested in. Or you could even advertise your Business.

#3 Activate follow button.  Go to your Settings-> click Followers->Activate Follow button-> Set it to Public!

#4 Make your Wall Engaging! Add photos of your life, post things OTHER than links.
Tell people what you’re doing, and who you are! Your Connections want to know what you’re about, and your Lifestyle! A technique I use is to Post Useful Topics or Tools!

#5 Go to your settings and make sure you’re the only one allowed to post on your wall, Otherwise People are going to be spamming your wall with “ Thanks for the Connection” or advertising their Product/ Opportunity.

#6 while in settings don’t forget to set “Review Posts people tag you in before it appears in your timeline” This stops people from being able to tag you in things you have no affiliation with.

If you want to really stand out from the crowd and utilize the power of Facebook, Make sure you Follow these guidelines.
Best of luck out there!
-Andrew Halliday

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My four Steps, a short introduction.

Hello my friends,
First of all, if this is your first visit, Welcome!
My blog here at Four Steps to Freedom is all about trying to explain the different systems that you can use to make Real Money at home.
I have been talking a lot about the Four Steps and today I decided to really explain what they are.

The Four Steps:
·       Sign up for a free to use or very low cost program (Such as THIS one) but you could Use any program your comfortable with.
·       Get whatever you need to qualify for the program ( for the examples I listed, you need to get One credit to start making money)
·       Turn a profit. With these easy systems. Even $20 is an important milestone.
·       Invest at least half your profits back into the business, or into tools to help your business.

Signing Up for programs:

This is the hardest part.
To be able to find the figurative diamond in the fish tank, or the Real Opportunity in the midst of the scams and the unknown.
Now there are a couple helpful websites I can recommend:
First one is internetmoneyreport.com. Ignore the video and all the sign ups, and scroll down. It lists a whole bunch of useful and proven systems that real people use.

The next one I could recommend is knowl8dge.com. He lists a bunch of Methods and systems from your perspective. He personally joined hundreds of programs, losing a lot of his own money, to tell you what works.
This is where I heard about the Instant payday network, and decided I’d get involved with this one because it promised returns with little to no investment.
Other than that, if you’re already involved in a business, please feel free to continue to use what works.

Getting Qualified:
This is what separates the scams from the real Opportunities.

Positive things to look for:
·       Does the return of a referral outweigh the cost to join?
·       Do you receive a range of products across multiple price levels?
·       How automated is the system, how comfortable are you with this level of automation?
·       Can you sell the product without selling the business?

Negative things to be aware of.
·       High entrance cost
·       Promises the results with no effort from you.
·       You only make money by selling the business.
·       You can’t see how the figures add up.
·       You have to sign up for other promotions to get involved with theirs.

Now to clarify,
Not every negative point means the offer is a scam, and not every positive trait means the company is legitimate. There is an essence of risk, but generally if you can trace the money, you don’t have to spam people, and you get a return off the effort you put in, it sounds legitimate.
There are many different types of business out there, but usually you have to purchase the rights to a product, before you can sell it. There is usually some form of commitment or investment to get qualified.
Don’t be afraid of this process, It protects you from people who seek to corrupt these systems. if you have to put in your credit card information, Be sure you can trust the website, but usually they only need your Credit information is to ensure you’re not making multiple accounts to inflate your own pockets.
*example. If I was less honest, I could refer myself to FourStepsToFreedom and sign up for the $7 Go daddy promotion, and earn $20 for the referral credit.
You can see how if un-moderated, one could easily abuse this system. So don’t be afraid of identifying yourself.

Turn a Profit:
Sounds Simple hey?
Well no, unfortunately it is not going to magically happen. It is easier to make a return if you Invest thousands of dollars, But to start from nothing, you need to developed skills that allow you to connect with the general population, and furthermore, Skills to convince them that you are legitimate, and offering them a way to change their lives.

Entrepreneurial skills to work on:
·       Public speaking: Write your presentation, and Practise in front of a mirror. It helps to know what you look like while performing.

·       Writing: if you’re not already writing down every thought you have about your business, you need to start. Write down ad Ideas, write down name ideas, and write down Blogging topic ideas. If you think of it, write it down. And learn how to take those notes and turn them into a cohesive thought you can present or utilize.

·       Typing: this is pretty important too. I’m not saying learn to use your “Home Row” I’m saying learn where your keys are, and learn to type as fast as you can think. Accuracy is just as important as speed. to be able to write at 30-50 WPM with a 85+% accuracy will make your life so much easier when it comes to writing emails, writing blog posts, and when talking to prospects live over chat or Skype.

·       Self-Direction: You have to be motivated, with self confidence. You want to be the Boss. You can’t hesitate to step in and get dirty. Self-direction means everything falls on your shoulders, and that’s how you like it. Delegate what you need to, but take responsibility for the success of your business.

·       Determination: You have to want to succeed. If you need help with this, Email me, I’ll send you some links to look at, that really explain what determination is, and how to really feel it. Your Drive will enable you to overcome the obstacles that pop up, without it you won’t achieve your goals. (Biggest tip I can give is: see yourself as already achieved your goals, convince yourself you did it. You will start to automatically think of ways to succeed)

·       Risk Oriented: Being an Entrepreneur is a risky business. You must be able to live with uncertainty and failure. You have to really work hard. And No one guarantees your profits.

·       High Energy: be prepared to put in long hours. You may find yourself working every day at first! This Line of work IS demanding, both physically, and mentally.

·       Vision: I touched on this in Determination, but you have to have a Dream or Vision you want to make real. You need to aspire to this vision and work to achieve it.

·       Ability to learn from Mistakes: Everyone will make Mistakes. You might forget to renew your ads; you might order the wrong business card. Maybe you forgot about that weekly webinar you wanted to see. The mistake doesn’t matter, its being able to Identify Why you made the mistake, and being able to correct yourself in the future that will make you incredibly efficient.

Honing these skills along with Diligence in the application of your Business, will begin to make you real Profits.
Re-Investing in your Business:
The Importance of this step is very important to get across.

How do you grow a business?
By making it better than it was before.

How do you make a business better?
By strengthening your weaknesses.

So what does this mean to you?
Re-investing in your business means, to take a portion of the profits and spend it in a way to create more profits than you would have had, if you had not re-invested.

The Number 1 example of this is Buying Ads.
Buying advertisements is very important. Paid ads are the best way to promote your business because they are promoted in High traffic areas. For instance, you can pay to place affiliate links on your web page or use Google to promote your webpage. Another way to use ads is to sell space on your Blog or website to companies, like Google ad-sense.

Other ways to re-invest:
·       Software or programs to use, that either help you advertise, or make your daily tasks become accomplished faster. ( example HootSuite, banner programs, business card builders)
·       Hardware, Proper equipment will assist you immensely, but this can be very expensive, and it doesn’t directly increase your profits.
·       Invest in other business that compliments your Main business. *For example in My 4 step program the fourth step is to join a company called Ipas2. This automates your Empower Network sales to generate another income that overshadows the income of my initial business.

Well that’s It for Today,
Thanks again for coming By, and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook/ Twitter/ Google+.
I’ll see you around soon!

Andrew Halliday

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tips and Helpful Notes about Advertising in Facebook

Andrews notes for Facebook advertising

Your goal is to  Make friends and followers.

Facebook is a community, Developed a personality.
Be authentic and genuine, tell people what you do that works.

Remember, You are under the microscope.
People are Buying YOU and what you portray in your personal page, people are going to find.
Don’t do "vaguebooking"
Or tossing some ambiguous ad to draw traffic, without telling the reader something useful. Once
again your goal is to create a community of people that use your page as aresource.
They want to see your authenticity
People want to know about you.
Stay appropriate.

Every time you send Anything out, attach your link to it.
Build a brand around yourself. Figure out your Brand.
Who are you aiming to be? What's your Persona?
Who are you aiming to reach?
Who do you want on your team?
Who do you want to work with?

Schedule your Facebook quotes To avoid overposting.
You can lose your Facebook account for posting in groups
It's good to post in a few groups but only a few posts to a few groups per day.
Don’t post image and tag people this is a BIG no no
You go to jail.
Well, Facebook jail. ( No posting for a week!)
Do not post your ads on your PERSONAL FB page
You will lose followers and if people report you, you Lose reputation.

Learn to schedule your posts throughout the week.
Use your Calendar, and Upload:
videos, pictures, quotes, real life events.

Content Post ratio:
4 positive posts ;
to every 1 business ad; 
to every 1 personal post.
DO personal posts, the reader wants to learn more about you, and It creates intimacy with the
Content ideas for non promotional posts:
The more likes and view you get the more people will see your posts
Post cool stuff;
Search for viral videos NOT from YouTube.
viralvideos.com is an excellent alternitive
Follow famous people aka George Takai
All these have great content to repost, with your Tag.

Beautiful pictures. Excellent promotions, 
rePost Cracked.com, Reddit.com, other great community sites, Research a question one of your followers has, and create a post about it.
Create original content, memes and such.
"Have you ever met a human that doesn't want to make more money?"
Just because they are in a opportunity doesn’t mean they don’t want yours, If another marketer targets you with theirs hit them right back with yours.
Ladder groups:
Opportunity for people to post  a picture, say Its ladder time, and if you have a link you put it in there
Go down the list and like all those peoples pages
They will in return, like/ promote your page

Co-promote facebook group
Like their page they will like yours back

Simple 4 step process to online success

1 sign up for express cash freebies and double cash freebies (www.fourstepstofreedom.com )

2 Get the referral credit on both pages, there are several free promotions but paid work faster.

3 make a profit off this free and easy system, Put profits into joining Empower network

4 Use Ipas2 automation systems to maximise your profits! ( step four )

Hopefully you found this Helpful!
-Andrew Halliday

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Fourth and most important step.

Hey there Internet, I know that some of you are looking into your Four Steps to Freedom, But I want to take the time and Really Explain exactly What the 4th step is and Why it is Worth doing.

Everything you need to know abut Ipas2. This was compiled By myself after listening to every presentation and webinar I could get my hands On

·        Success triangle
  •       Traffic
  •        Automation
  •        Duplication
  •         Scalability

What does Ipas2 give me?
  •          Tripwires
  •        Core offers
  •       Upsells

What do I need?

Why isn’t it easier?
Most online systems suck. Scams have ruined creditability, conversion rates are down, selling other peoples products has low commission, making your own products is hard.

Most other formulas:

Why it fails:
·        People have heard of it before, and they’re sick of it.
·        Too much competition
·        Too much hype!
·        Paid ads are expensive, and these don’t pay out high returns

Traffic-> $7 tripwire* ->$47 core offer -> J
Normal conversion rates are around 1.5%, or 1.5 people buy out of 100 visitors.
That’s pretty standard.
However when we add the Tripwire, we see an immense increase to on average around 8%!!!
Also, if a person Purchases the Tripwire product they are 10x more likely to buy the core product!
What is a Tripwire? Simply put, A Tripwire is a low-cost product that teaches something cool to the consumer, and proves the concept.

Examples of the effectiveness of this system.
Assume the following:
1.       You’re below average skilled at advertising.
2.       You buy ads for $1000/month
3.       On average, you only get 1 click/visit per dollar
Therefore we have this baseline, you have 1000 visitors a month, and have $1000 overhead costs.
Without the Tripwire conversion trick,
1000 visitors at 1.5% conversions = about 15 customers, buying the $47 core = $705 – overhead= -$295
not very profitable hey?
With the Tripwire,
1000 visitors, 8% buy the $7 T.W. = (80x7) $560
30% of that 8% buy the $47 core product (24x 47) = 1,128
total sales- 560+1128= $1688 (140% revenue increase) and we even turned a profit of 688 after overhead!
Crazy how this one step more than doubled our income!
The sales from the Tripwires nearly covered our advertising by themselves!
Now I have shown you the effectiveness of the tripwire, I’ll tell you why we use two of them.
We put down 2 tripwires, but you only need to buy one to continue. Having the second Tripwire allows the consumer the freedom of choice. Which encourages them to stay.
The other thing we do in the Ipas2 system is to send “Return Emails” and I’ll tell you why,
On average, a person needs to visit your webpage 7 times before deciding to purchase your product.
The Return email simply remind the customer that they were on your page, and it invites them to return.
Without these automated emails, you would lose out on a huge portion of your business. We do not spam there inbox, and you can choose to have them stop emailing you. But they are in place to remind the customers where your page is and what you’re offering.
Simply by having the emails sent out, you’re sending out multiple return paths, and create over 20 exposures, which increase conversions 5-8%.

So what else can we do to really capitalize on this system?
2 major hitters we haven’t called out yet:
Upsells, and Profit Maximizers.
Why upsell?
Customers actually want them. So if you don’t offer them they will find them elsewhere,
Positive customer experience/reviews. And the big one, added Income with no extra work!
So take our formula
Traffic-> $7 tripwire* ->$47 core offer -> J
And add Upsell product of $97 after the Core.
Traffic-> $7 tripwire* ->$47 core offer -> $97 Upsell
Around 30% of people who buy the core product, Will buy the Upsell.
So 1000 visitors-> 8% T.W. Sales -> 30% core sales -> ($1688 so far) + 30% upsell (7 customers x 97) $679
You could be making an additional $679 JUST FOR OFFERING THE UPSELL!
That’s 1688+ 679 =2367!

So at this stage of the game, you’re making $2367 per 1000 visits, that’s almost $2 a visit! So the more traffic you bring, the more you get paid!

A good rule in Business is to Re invest 20% of your earnings towards making more traffic. BUY ADS!

Now here’s the real Secret:
 The Tripwire, the Core, and the Upsell products are logically designed to work together, to create MASSIVE demand for your main product offering!

Profit Maximizer.
Honestly everything else I’ve written is the side dish to this BEAST!
THIS product is the life changing product. You don’t HAVE to offer it, but you will be passing off the commission to the next person who DOES offer this. And People WILL buy this.
This is the only really expensive part of this business. You need to buy the Profit Maximizer Packages to sell them. But the name isn’t a joke, These MAXIMIZE your Profit Potential! Its Crazy how much you could be earning per day, per week, per month with these offers.

So what is a Profit Maximizer?
-Any Additional Product or service you sell to those extremely loyal customers, who have bought everything else you have to sell, and still want more. This would be an opportune time to present a top-tier or residual product or service.
Having a Product Maximizer is your greatest money making breakthrough needed to reach those Lifestyle changing incomes online.
Without it, you will struggle more to keep profitable.

SO what’s the bid deal about this Profit Maximizer?
Simply put, If set up correctly, Your Profit Maximizer:
  •         Requires little to no further attention, it will keep on working
  •       Your consumers will automatically understand why they need your other products.
  •         Regardless of the cost, they will buy it, if the value is there, Price becomes irrelevant.

Sounds almost too simple to be useful hey?
 I’ll fill you in a bit more,
The 2 forms of Profit Maximizer.
Products you create, and other peoples Products.
The Key to this is, you must be able to make a significant amount Per-sale, for this to make big returns.
Break it down:
Up to 40% of people that buy Core products, will buy the Profit Maximizer Products (your Empower Network Products)
Empower Network pays 100% commission.
That’s $225-$4825 PER SALE!
We already know that Tripwires and Upsells put us at around $2,367 in potential front end Revenue.
Add Profit Maximizers at 10% conversion ratio (to core Product customers) (24\10%=2.4 x 225-4825)
you’re looking at a revenue spike of $450-$9650!
$450 to $9650
On top of the rest of the money!
You can see how even 1 sale or 2 sales a MONTH can be life changing money!

SO let’s look at the Success Triangle

Now money is produced through Traffic Generation
Residual Income is Produced through the Automated Process, and having referrals working on your Team
Top-Tier Products Income is produced through Education of the consumer.

Ask yourself, how much money would it take per month, to allow me to walk away from my job?
Now feel free to use your own numbers, but for Me, I’m going to say about $6,000/month.
I think I could live comfortably on that.
But how much would I have to sell to do that?
Well If I was making $10 a sale, I would have to make 600 sales a month.
If I was making $20 a sale, I would have to make 300 sales a month
no good, too much work…
Let’s say I made $50 a sale. I would have to make 120 sales per month, to walk away from my job.
You can see how this is not the greatest method to achieve your goal to walk away from your work. Even if you DID manage $50/sale and 120 sales a month, you would be chained to your computer.
The biggest problem with Free or very low cost Businesses, is they rarely pay high commission, and you find yourself making peanuts, and giving it to the ad companies to promote you, it’s a cycle were you don’t win.
Now let’s look at how you could achieve that goal of 6k/month.
We know that:
traffic > Tripwire > Upsell >P.M (averaged to 1500) creates $3999 before overhead,
let’s break it down a bit more,

At the Silver level (you got to start somewhere) each sale is worth $225 you will only need 26 sales a month.
At the Gold Level (strive for this or higher) of Ipas2 Bundles, Every sale you make is worth $1625
why that’s only 3 sales a month to reach your income goal!
At the Black level you make $4825 per sale. THAT’S ONLY 1.5 SALES A MONTH TO REACH YOUR GOAL!
As you can see the Monetary Potential is amazing. 1 black level sale can set your MONTH and there’s no way you will ONLY get 1 sale a month.

Once the system starts, it doesn’t stop!
Once you Join Ipas2 and get your Empower Products, the money you make doesn’t stop coming!
Here’s how:
Getting Consistent Traffic to your website is EASY! How? SIMPLE! Almost nobody drives their own traffic, its time consuming and REALLY HARD!
The #1 way to get hits is…………………Pay for them. =3 No, really. Pay for Ads. Advertise Everywhere, Do Facebook ads, do Twitter ads, do Google AdSense ads, it doesn't matter. Go pay for ads and watch your hits start coming.
* On a side note there are some considerations to paid advertising. Consider setting up a campaign to track your clicks, and weed out the useless ads. Pay for what works, discard what doesn’t. Aim for at least 10% click to view ratio.
Ipas2 Is Designed to Track everything. Once you’re in the Back office, you can monitor what campaigns are working, who is clicking, where they’re coming from. And SO MUCH MORE.
It really is almost as simple as Set it and forget it.

RE-INVEST YOUR EARNINGS I can say this loudly enough… This is how you make money exponentially!

 Invest 20% ( if $1000= 1000 views = 2367 (Not including P.M.)) than adding the extra $473 to your 1000 would equal an additional 400 views, which in turn make more money, which you then in turn re-invest.

And the #1 reason you will NEVER STOP making money from this company.


Every 5th sale your referral makes, Is passed up to you, for bringing them in.
that means you have a 20% stake in every business you bring in.
ergo, If you have 5 referrals who are actively promoting and selling, you have a whole new business.
ALSO! If you’re Referral decides to LEAVE the company. All their domains and sites and work is still there, and if they do not want the money, it GOES TO YOU AS THEIR SPONSOR!
This is insane! By promoting and selling your own business, you are spawning sub-Businesses, that are Paying you for not doing anything other than running you OWN company!

Okay so let’s move on.

Let’s say you’re Canadian.
Would you like to set up a coffee shop across the street from Tim Horton’s?
Do you think you would do well?
OR, would it be easier to invest with Timmies when the company opens, and make 2 cents off every coffee they sell?
No brainer, jumping on board with an opportunity can create some MAJOR profits.
Now something to note is that Ipas2 TECHNICALLY has not been released to the public. It is in Beta stages, and won’t be publically released for another few weeks.
Having yourself set up, advertised, and with a few referrals under your belt BEFORE the launch will create a HUGE MOMENTUM once the floodgates are opened.
People that were in the Pre-launch of Ipas1 were making HUNDREADS of THOUSANDS of dollars in a few short weeks!

Want to make 20,000 BEFORE Ipas 2 is even publically released?
Follow these steps:
·         Attend the Secret Meeting
·         Register your Ipas2 account
·         Get set up with your Profit Maximizers
·         Promote your Secret Meeting Link.
·         Sell Profit Maximizers

When Ipas2 is released you will receive, FOR FREE, the following:
·         $7 tripwire product
·         $47 Core product
·         $97 Upsell Product
And you can make money with JUST this.
HOWEVER, if you do NOT have your Profit Maximizers Set up, and you’re advertising your secret meeting, you will be losing up to $4825 per sale!
If you DO set up your Profit Maximizers, and Distribute the Link, You can make $20,000 in JUST 4 SALES! BEFORE WE EVEN GO LIVE!

So what’s the Difference between the Packages anyway?

Well each package scales your commission of the front end products (Tripwire, Core, Upsell), and allows you to sell a better Top-tier Product.
·         Is like owning one house
·         $225 Profit maximizers
·         DOUBLE front end commission from 15% to 30%
·         Residual income of $25 per referral per month
·         Like owning Multiple houses
·         $1600 Profit maximizers
·         50% Commission from front end products
·         Residual income of $100 per referral per month

·         Like owning a Luxury Condo Building
·         $4825 profit Maximizers
·         75% Front end Commission
·         Free personal Business Coach, (works for your team too)

*Must be gold Package or Higher to receive Paid Traffic Resources. (These guys buy A LOT of ads, so they get WAY better deals than you’re going to find)

Roughly 30% of the people that watch the secret meeting, Pre-register

If 10% buy P.M you will earn $675 PER WEEK UNTIL LAUNCH! (Silver level)
At Gold level you’re earning $5,475/ WEEK!
At Black Level you make an Astounding $14,475 PER FREAKIN WEEK!
If that doesn’t get your attention nothing will!
Now as a Disclaimer, these are all potential Numbers based upon the Average of what the Whole Company has made. This is not a guarantee.
You still have to work by promoting your link No traffic = no Money

It’s Harder to sell more expensive ($3000) items online, than it is to sell cheap ($100).

Actually, it requires the exact same effort on your part. You just might have to be more patient.

And Finally I’ll leave you with the $20,000 Formula:
·         Get the Ipas2 System
·         Connect the Ipas2 system to your Empower Network Affiliate system
·         Choose a Profit Maximizer Package
·         Plug into “Secret Meeting” Funnel and use the video to Sell P.M. Packages
·         Attend Live Trainings, Facebook Pages, and Get Traffic ready for Launch.

Thanks for taking the time to read all this, again all the links you need to get going are Here (Ipas2), Here (empower Network), and Here (Four Steps to Freedom)
Best of Luck in your New Business!
-Andrew Halliday